一、产品特点:本产品是一种具有热熔性能的水性浆料,可以用于各种纺织材料 烫金印花,是纺织物印花 最理想无毒性环保产品。
三、工艺流程:烫金浆印2-3次→自然干燥(12-24)小时→覆烫金泊正面150℃压制10-20秒→撕开金泊再正反压烫一次或过烘道130℃-150℃ 2分钟
4、烫金浆分夏天和冬天,干燥的时间和压烫的时间 因随天气变化而变。
3055 washable bronzing pulp
一、Features: This product is an aqueous slurry of hot melt performance, can be used for a variety of textile materials bronzing printing, textile printing and the best non-toxic environmentally friendly products.
二、soft touch, good fastness, non-sticky, easy to operate.
三、Process: bronzing the pulp India 2-3 times → natural drying (12-24) the hour → overlying bronzing parked positive 150 ° C pressed to 10-20 seconds → ripped gold mooring positive and negative pressure hot once or bake 130 ℃ -150 ° C 2 min.
四、Note: 1.This product is a one-component bronzing pulp, other additives can not add your own, will affect the flexibility and of gold parked release effect and gold poise adhesion.
2.Please select a washable high quality gold and silver the mooring paper, to ensure washing fastness and poise gold effect.
3.depending on the characteristics and use of the different fabrics, the product of the printing results vary.
4.bronzing pulp divided into summer and winter, drying time and pressure hot time with the weather changes.