

※ 公司信息 ※
生产分类: 印花机,其它(印花机械)
时尚女装;连衣裙 Dress;西装 Suit;女裤 Pants;毛衫 sweater;衬衫 shirt;职业装 business wear;T恤 T-shirt;打底裤/衫;丝袜 Filar socks;围巾 scarf;女装饰品
经营模式:生产商 主营行业:时尚女装、连衣裙、西装、女裤、毛衫、衬衫、职业装、T恤、打底裤/衫、丝袜、围巾、女装饰品等
企业类型:有限责任公司 注册资本:人民币 50.00 万
公司注册地:广东 广州市 法定代表/负责人:牟杉
年营业额:50万以内 员工人数:51~100人
公司成立时间: 研发部门人数:
公司面积:550.00 平方米 主要经营地点: 广东
主要市场: 提供OEM代加工:
质量控制:第三方 月产量:
经营品牌:韩号鸟 Korea No. birds 证书:
地区: 广东 广州    

       The creative inspiration of the European style in the streets of Guangzhou City Golden Ideas Clothing Co., Ltd Co., Ltd., in the city of the sea, clothing, construction, and spiritual needs. We design, development, production, sales for the version of the one in the high-end elegant South Korean clothing, payment of concern, the high-end fashion ladies, dresses, suits, pants, sweaters, shirts, business wear, T-shirt, leggings / texture of the fabric of the shirt, stockings, scarves, women decorations our main products other products, is a professional production and processing company, providing design, production, cutting, parking, quality control, packaging, package service, independent of other board room, a complete and scientific quality management system. Can provide OEM, ODM services, photo proofing, processing, contracting and materials production services. The main customers are: domestic Taobao business, storage business, foreign trade companies, European and U.S. customers, customers in Korea. Welcome all friends to visit and negotiate business.

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